University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health
University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
4:00 pm โ€“ 5:00 pm

Health inequities are defined as unfair or unjust disparities in health status between different demographic (racial/ethnic/gender/sexual preference and socioeconomic) subpopulations. They are driven by systemic factors, including socioeconomic disadvantage, implicit bias and medical mistrust. Like other health-related services, well-being program providers โ€“ whether vendors or employers - may also be unknowingly contributing to workforce health inequities. This session will discuss previous worksite-based well-being program research, revisited through the lens of health equity. Presenters will provide a historical perspective regarding health equity in health promotion and well-being offerings, with insight into factors influencing perceived value of programs by employees, their participation rates, and associated program outcomes. Notably, the role of incentives will be discussed in the context of promoting participation rates and enhancing outcomes. With this as background, the presenters will share an enhanced model to ensure more inclusive well-being program participation and outcomes, with the goal of mitigating existing health disparities. Measurement approaches to operationalizing a data-driven approach to well-being will be presented, along with considerations for use of metrics to quantify the business value of proposed interventions. When equitably implemented, well-being offerings can yield demonstrable value for a greater proportion of employees and their family members โ€“ and that, in turn, can create greater business value for employers and vendors.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Define and explain the various system-based reasons for health inequities in health promotion and well-being programs.
2. Define and compile measures for quantifying the extent of health equity in their health promotion and well-being programs.
3. Review their existing well-being programs and identify and implement steps to mitigate observed inequities.

ยฉ2024ย Health Enhancement Research Organization โ€˜HEROโ€™

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