Pre-Forum Event

2023 Healthcare Summit

2023 Fall Think Tank

General Session

Shared Value and Social Impact: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Role of Health and Well-Being in ESG and Other Sustainability Frameworks

Mind the Gap: Putting Science to Work in Health Promotion

Remote Work and Employee Well-Being: Threats and Opportunities

C. Everett Koop National Health Awards

Hot Off the Press: Putting Cutting-Edge Health and Well-Being Research into Practice - Laurie Whitsel, Dundon

Health Literacy 2.0 as a Pathway to Personal Health Engagement: Doing Good for Employees and the Community

Amplifying Social Impact and Workplace Health and Well-Being Initiatives: Lessons from the Field

HEROForum23 is the First of Many Steps towards Doing Well by Doing Good

Making It a Movement: Workplace Health and Well-Being as a Key Driver of the ESG Agenda
These breakout sessions are designed to highlight innovative programs and initiatives and explore the potential for our profession to be at the table, help shape the ESG agenda, and take a leadership role in addressing the most pressing societal challenges of our time.

Well-Being 3.0: How to Unify Wellness, DE&I, and ESG Efforts with Purpose

How a Safer, Healthier Workforce Feeds and Fuels the World

Carmel Clay Schools Teaches Employers How to Implement Lifestyle as Medicine

Incorporating Well-Being into ESG for Business Impact โ€“ A Design Thinking, Interactive Session

Seed to Table Education for Sustainable and Equitable Food Choices

ESG + Health: Advancing Health Equity and Mental Well-Being in the Workplace

ESG Metrics -- Good or Bad for Business and Public Health?

Health and the Environment as Business Priorities โ€“ A Statewide Case Study

The Power of Good Deeds: Compassion, Belonging, and Workplace Well-Being

Health Protection and Promotion in Hybrid, Remote, and Dispersed Work Environments
This track will describe efforts at increasing employee engagement, addressing employee satisfaction, and planning post-COVID programs and policies, in particular, mental health, EAP, and social support efforts.

Delivering a World-Class Global Well-Being Program Starts with Strong Partnerships at AECOM

The Evolution of a Population Health Strategy โ€“ Addressing Equity and Measurement

What Can Business Learn from Higher Ed? Spiritual Well-Being for Diverse Workforces

Moving from In-Person Inputs to Outstanding Outcomes

Improving Access and Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Health for a Dispersed Workforce: Lessons from the Minnesota Firefighter Initiative

Addressing Increasingly Complex Mental Health and SDOH Needs in High-Stress, High-Burnout Workforces

Fostering the Foundations of Well-Being in a Dynamic Healthcare Workforce

Utilizing Automation to Engage Employees in Wellness Activities

Critical Thinking and Evidence-Based Decision Making in Workplace Health and Well-Being
This track may describe how efforts are improving health literacy, making employees better healthcare consumers, medical self-care, or chronic condition management.

Mental Health in the Workplace: The Critical Role of Managers

Blue Zones Evidence-Based Worksite Approach: Driving Adventist Health System-Wide Well-Being

Do Health Promotion Programs Worsen Health Inequities?

N=1: Developing a Workforce Mental Health Strategy That Fits Your Organization

The $50B+ Employer Silent Crisis - Aging Workforce and Aging Population

Using Experience-Based Co-Design to Drive Evidence-Based Decisions in Workplace Health & Well-Being

Learning Lab
Sponsored session

Integrated Care Delivers Savings & Simplicity in a Complex World (Sponsored by HealthCheck360)

Cura Personalis: How Gonzaga University Cares for the Whole Person (Sponsored by Hinge Health)

Unlocking Authentic Community: Navigating Digital Solutions for Connection and Prevention (Sponsored by Burnalong)

Accessibility of Adult Immunizations in Pharmacies Compared to Physician Offices in Low-Income Communities (Sponsored by Pfizer)

Wellbeing + DEI + Employee Benefits. You can't have one without the others. (And most of you probably do.) (Sponsored by Segal)

Unlocking Tangible Cost Savings: Optimizing Your Health and Well-Being Program (Sponsored by Mobe)

Putting People First: The Business Case for Hypertension Control

Amplifying Efforts in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This track will seek to describe programs and services that are relevant to both large and small workforces, including large company initiatives that are intended to work well in smaller organizations or remote locations.

Engage Data and Design Thinking to Drive Human Centered Benefit Design that Works

Why Access to Alternative Financial Wellness Programs is Critical to Worker Health

Unveiling the Journey: How Operating as a Social Benefits Corporation Transformed Our DEI+B Strategy

Creating a Well-Workforce and Demonstrating the Benefits to Your Organization

Measurement and Reporting for Accountable Action
This track will describe research and/or evaluation of program offerings or policy changes.

Qualitative and Quantitative Learnings from a Mental Well-Being Pilot Program

Scorecards, Dashboards, & Cockpits: Converting Data into Action & Results

How Does Your Organization Measure Up? Using Assessments to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Your Workforce

A Well-Being Experience Designed for All Employees to Thrive

ยฉ2024ย Health Enhancement Research Organization โ€˜HEROโ€™

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