Wednesday, September 27, 2023
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm

As talent, skills, and technology needs accelerate the necessity for workforce resilience, Aon’s 2022 Global Wellbeing Survey revealed that employers are focused on well-being now more than ever. Eighty percent said well-being is fully or slightly integrated into their overall business and talent strategy. In addition, 43% of organizations have increased their investment in well-being. Aon explored the role of well-being in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. Since ESG takes place at a population, corporation, or even a global level, individuals may feel disconnected or receive little direct impact from these strategies. Forty-nine percent of organizations globally either comprehensively or moderately incorporate well-being into ESG. Globally, the ESG principle most impacted and influenced by well-being is Social. Aon has implemented social tactics for its own colleagues to help their people feel more valued as well as connected to their ESG focus. United in Kindness and United in Gratitude, two campaigns which asked colleagues to practice mindful appreciation with expressions, messages, and acknowledgements of thankfulness, were created to ultimately make gratitude and kindness an ongoing attitude within the culture of the organization. These social campaigns have positive impact and have won global, prestigious awards. Aon will share what it has implemented for its employees. Then, the presenters will use design thinking in partnership with the audience to create actionable solutions that focus on ESG + Well-being.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Articulate why well-being is increasing as a priority.
2. Explain the intersection between ESG and well-being.
3. Describe 2 specific social campaigns to address employee well-being needs while aligning with an overarching ESG strategy.

©2024 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’

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