Employers receive disparate reports from their vendor partners. Many data informatic organizations partner with companies to integrate these separate feeds into a comprehensive data warehouse. How should this information be organized to generate actionable information that leads to tangible results? This session will provide insight from companies that have focused on getting the most out of the information available. It starts with establishing good metrics against goals or benchmarks in the pursuit of best practice. These metrics are structured around the Triple Aim of effectiveness, efficiency and experience. Additionally, they will be balanced across the population health continuum and the components of well-being. When possible, these same metrics can assess performance at the worksite level, the department or business level and the enterprise level through scorecards, dashboards and cockpits. This session will highlight the importance of measuring participation, engagement, medical cost trend, disease prevalence, aggregate risk and illness burden, disability, workplace injury and satisfaction among other topics to provide a comprehensive view of a company's culture of health, safety and well-being. The session will feature how these metrics lead to action and demonstrated improvement over time.
Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Recognize a good metric from a less-than-good metric.
2. Structure a scorecard leveraging the Triple Aim.
3. Explain the differences between, and the important connection of, scorecards, dashboards and cockpits.