As the largest ammonia producer in the world, CF Industries is a leader in the clean energy industry, both in their commitment to sustainability and their company’s role in producing environmentally sustainable energy sources, as well as their commitment to their published ESG goals around emissions/climate change, workplace/community, food security/product stewardship, and ethics/governance. The work of ammonia production for a greener tomorrow, however, can be hazardous if not coupled with a rigorous commitment to the safety and well-being of its employees. With its innovative approach to combining best-in-the-industry worker safety and occupational health with a patient-centered primary care home at each of their main locations, CFI has reduced their recordable injury rate over the past decade from 2.36 injuries per 200,000 work hours to just 0.33. Through their partnership with Proactive MD, they have seen engagement with primary care at their onsite health centers exceed 70% and have helped hundreds of members with chronic illnesses measurably lower their risk factors. This session will present the data-driven strategies and outcomes used in this holistic approach to health, well-being, DEI, and worker safety that are helping them positively impact the health of their workforce, reduce workplace hazards, improve mental health and well-being, and drive a brighter future in their communities and the world.
Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the components of a successful, comprehensive workforce health and well-being program.
2. Demonstrate how workforce well-being, safety, and DEI are directly connected to the success of clean energy initiatives.
3. Define metrics for measurable outcomes of workforce health, well-being, and safety initiatives.