What Can Business Learn from Higher Ed? Spiritual Well-Being for Diverse Workforces
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
Kelcey Stratton, PhD
Chief Behavioral Health Strategist
Kelcey Stratton, PhD, is the Chief Behavioral Health Strategist for the University of Michigan and a Clinical Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School. Her career has focused on “helping the helpers,” by providing mental health support for military veterans, healthcare workers, educators, and international development volunteers. In her current role, she develops innovative, collaborative, and strategic initiatives to promote mental health for both university and academic medical center faculty and staff. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and has interests in the areas of stress and resilience, trauma-informed care, mindfulness, and the use of reflective practices to cultivate compassion and wisdom. Prior to coming to University of Michigan, Kelcey lived and worked in South Africa for several years, where she served as a mental health clinician and consultant to Peace Corps volunteers and medical providers in over 65 countries.