Accessibility of Adult Immunizations in Pharmacies Compared to Physician Offices in Low-Income Communities (Sponsored by Pfizer)
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
2:40 pm – 3:40 pm
Robert Popovian, MD
Robert Popovian, MD, is the Founder of Conquest Advisors, a strategic consulting firm. He also serves as Chief Science Policy Officer at the Global Healthy Living Foundation, Senior Healthy Policy Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute, and Visiting Health Policy Fellow at the Pioneer Institute. He previously served as Vice President of U.S. Government Relations at Pfizer. One of the country’s foremost experts on every significant facet of biopharmaceuticals and the healthcare industry, he is a recognized authority on health economics, policy, government relations, medical affairs, and strategic planning. Dr. Popovian completed his doctorate in pharmacy and Master of Science in pharmaceutical economics and policy degrees at the University of Southern California with honors. He has also completed a residency in Pharmacy Practice/Adult Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Los Angeles County-USC Hospital and a fellowship in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy at USC.