Moving from In-Person Inputs to Outstanding Outcomes
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Stephanie Hillman, MNPL
Senior Executive Consultant
Stephanie Hillman, MNPL, is a Senior Executive Consultant at Impact4Health, LLC. She has implemented systems that help organizations scale for growth and achieve long-term success. She invites key groups, especially underrepresented voices, and involves them in strategic advising and decision-making on topics such as key performance indicators, patient and employee experience, facility design, and process improvement. She believes that co-design is the key to effective decision making. Her current research project is on prioritization of interventions to keep female- and nonbinary-identifying individuals in their clinical practice. Her experience in employee engagement, leadership development, and quantitative and qualitative research serve as the foundation for her professional pursuits. Stephanie holds a master’s degree in nonprofit leadership from Seattle University. She serves on the Board of the Alliance for a Healthy Washington, and volunteers as the home visit coordinator for the Snorri program, an exchange between Icelandic and North American young adults.