Health and the Environment as Business Priorities – A Statewide Case Study
Thursday, September 28, 2023
3:20 pm – 4:50 pm
Susan Johnson, PhD
Director of Health Promotion
Susan Johnson, PhD, is the Director of Health Promotion at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). She is also founder and CEO of Vimcity, LLC, a worksite well-being firm, and co-founder of the South Carolina Healthy Business Challenge. Prior to joining MUSC, Susan held faculty appointments at Duke University, Charleston Southern, and the Citadel. Susan has conducted numerous presentations and speaking engagements at the local, state, and national level and dedicates her time and talents to community organizations and projects related to well-being, sustainability, and conservation. Her work at MUSC has been recognized through multiple awards and publications, both locally and nationally. She received her undergraduate degree from UNC Charlotte, master’s degree from The Citadel, and PhD from the University of South Carolina. She currently resides in Mount Pleasant with her two daughters and in her spare time enjoys running, hiking, and kayaking.